Butter Side Up!

Ok so you’ve been dealt a pretty crap hand, it’s not fair, you don’t deserve it but what do you do? I suppose there are many ways to deal with the hard knocks, everyone is different thank goodness but until this ordeal is over every time I drop it my toast lands….

John, Jane, Lydia & Miriam Widdowson (Click pic to enlarge)

On the 3rd Feb 2009 I was diagnosed with cancer of the Oesophagus.


I am not a webmaster, doctor or  writer. I’m a husband to Jane and a father to Lydia and Miriam. I have a career to get back to and a mortgage to pay. I’m just trying to do something constructive to help get me and my family through this ordeal and keep all my family, friends and colleagues informed of how it’s all going.


 If, at the same time, any new oesophageal cancer patients stumble across these few pages looking as I did, and still am, for information on either


Oesophageal Cancer or Oesophagectomy

then I hope the experiences, information and references you’ll find here will help.


Click pic for mood

You can LEAVE A COMMENT HERE or email Jane or myself at

john@johnwiddowson.com or jane@johnwiddowson.com


Pages last updated: 23.02.10

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